DCF In-Reach Ministry
...Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.
--Philippians 2:4
Our ministry of In-Reach is called by this name in reference to welcoming, caringfor and helping those who are already a member of or “IN” our church community.The ministries of In-reach are Benevolence, Home and Hospital Visitation,
Communion and New Members Orientation.
Home and Hospital Visitation Ministry
Home and Hospital Visitation Ministers are members of the church who visit people in thehospital or at home during illnesses, surgeries, or in special circumstances, extending God’s love,a listening ear, the Word of scripture, and prayer. This ministry involves care to the congregation and their families by providing support in times of trouble, sadness, healing, and joy. As part of this ministry, cards, letters and flowers are sent to provide prayers, encouragement, and thanks.
Benevolence Ministry
The purpose of the Benevolence Ministry is to help members and regular attendees who have encountered a financial problem. For non-members, we can provide information on local area resources that can help alleviate a financial difficulty.
Communion Ministry
A team, normally consisting of a Minister and Deacon, takes the elements of Communion once a month or, as appropriate, to those members of the DCF community who are homebound and unable to attend worship on Sunday mornings.
New Members Orientation
This ministry is designed to assist new members in understanding the DCF’s Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Beliefs and Policies as well as the interworking of the DCF structure and to help provide for a smooth transition into the DCF community, thereby, finding their place of service.
If you are interested in serving within the In-reach Ministry at DCF, please contact Minister Bill Wooten.
Communion and New Members Orientation.
Home and Hospital Visitation Ministry
Home and Hospital Visitation Ministers are members of the church who visit people in thehospital or at home during illnesses, surgeries, or in special circumstances, extending God’s love,a listening ear, the Word of scripture, and prayer. This ministry involves care to the congregation and their families by providing support in times of trouble, sadness, healing, and joy. As part of this ministry, cards, letters and flowers are sent to provide prayers, encouragement, and thanks.
Benevolence Ministry
The purpose of the Benevolence Ministry is to help members and regular attendees who have encountered a financial problem. For non-members, we can provide information on local area resources that can help alleviate a financial difficulty.
Communion Ministry
A team, normally consisting of a Minister and Deacon, takes the elements of Communion once a month or, as appropriate, to those members of the DCF community who are homebound and unable to attend worship on Sunday mornings.
New Members Orientation
This ministry is designed to assist new members in understanding the DCF’s Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Beliefs and Policies as well as the interworking of the DCF structure and to help provide for a smooth transition into the DCF community, thereby, finding their place of service.
If you are interested in serving within the In-reach Ministry at DCF, please contact Minister Bill Wooten.
DCF Power of Prayer Ministry
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. --Phil. 4: 6-7
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. DCF is a body of believers dependent upon prayer and committed to God's sovereignty.
The Power of Prayer ministry exists to serve the entire body. Our mission is intercessory prayer for the needs of the church and the body. The first church was a praying church. Acts 2:42. God commands us to pray without ceasing. 1Thes. 5:17 and tells us in Phil 4:6 to be anxious for nothing, but to make our requests known to God via prayer and supplication. Throughout the week, volunteers from the Power of Prayer (P.O.P) ministry pray for the pastor, church members, and any special requests and prayer needs. If you are in need of prayer, please feel free to click the button to submit a prayer request or submit one at the church facility. Karen McDaniel provides leadership for the P.O.P ministry. If you are in need of prayer or would like more information, please click below. |
DCF Mens Ministry
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
--1 Corinthians 16: 13-14
The DCF Mens Ministry exists to gather the men of DCF as well as those in the greater community to create a space where they can fellowship with each other based on their interests and abilities.The DCF men’s ministry also serves to foster spiritual growth and discipleship, as well as to provide community ministry outside of the church.
Brian Moore provides leadership for the DCF Men's Ministry. |
DCF Women's Ministry
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
--Philippians 2: 1-2
The aim of the DCF Women's Ministry is to encourage women to seek unity in Christ through Bible study, prayer, worship and fellowship as we pursue and experience the presence of God and are transformed by His character. It is through this transformation that we can effectively minister to the issues, hurts, and needs of each other and the community.
It is our desire to minister to the needs of this community, the Greater Houston area, our nation and our world through prayer and strong and vibrant outreach ministry. Charlene Young provides leadership for the DCF Women's Ministry. For more information, please click below. |
DCF Children's Ministry
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
--Proverbs 22: 6
DCF Christian Education Ministry
...for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
--Ephesians 4:12
The DCF Christian Education Ministry is designed so that the body of Christ may be built up and to ultimately make disciples. DCF will be empowered not just to better understand and remember God's Word but to act upon it as well. By educating new Christians through teaching the fundamentals of the faith and personal enrichment studies, they will become disciples and actively participate in fulfilling the great commission.
The Discipleship Ministry meets on Sunday mornings at 8:00am before Sunday worship service begins.
Minister Stewart McDaniel provides leadership for this ministry. If you would like more information, please contact him by clicking below.
DCF Young Adult Ministry
...don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.
--1 Timothy 4:12
The purpose of the Young Adult Ministry at DCF is to cultivate and encourage young adult believers that seek Christian discipleship. This ministry will promote unity as well as accountability and the opportunity to grow and to serve. The goal of this Bible Study is to better understand and apply God's Word in a way that is relevant to young adults in the 21st century. The aim is to be more than a Bible study, but to become a community where you will have fun while challenging yourself and others to go farther in their faith.
Tiffany Jones provides leadership for this ministry.
Tiffany Jones provides leadership for this ministry.
DCF Usher Ministry
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
--Romans 15:7
The purpose of the DCF Usher Ministry is to prepare people for a positive worship experience. The goals of the usher ministry are:
In order for us to gain a relationship with our guest, we would like each one to complete a visitor’s card. Please be sure to visit one of our ushers if you are a first-time visitor to help us find out how we can serve you.
- To serve with excellence,
- Be active in furthering the vision and mission of DCF,
- Exhibit a welcoming attitude to everyone who enters the church,
- Encourage each member to fulfill his/her own ministry of making people feel welcomed in the church,
- Be creative and innovative regarding new ways to develop a more welcoming atmosphere for our first-time visitors.
In order for us to gain a relationship with our guest, we would like each one to complete a visitor’s card. Please be sure to visit one of our ushers if you are a first-time visitor to help us find out how we can serve you.
DCF Praise Team
DCF Social Media Ministry
...and he said to them, " go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."
--Mark 16:15
The DCF Social Media Ministry is designed to provide information on the latest happenings at DCF to its members and the community in general. Information about events, videos of church services, and inspirational Christian messages are shared through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and the church website in an effort to provide outreach via the Internet. Please consider following the church through these mediums.
Joel Garrett and Rick Garrett provide leadership for this ministry.
Joel Garrett and Rick Garrett provide leadership for this ministry.